Legal Restrictions
The website is operated by ACTICO GmbH (ACTICO) all rights thereto are owned and reserved by ACTICO. ACTICO is no way liable for indirect, collateral, accidental or consequential losses which have arisen as a result or consequence of use of this website. All information published via the website is provided to the best of ACTICO’s knowledge. However, to the extent allowed by law, all information shall not create any guarantee, commitment or liability on the part of ACTICO.
ACTICO may at any time and at its sole discretion alter the content of this website completely or partly and/or stop the operation of the same without prior notice and without assuming any liability. By embedding a link to an external Internet website (“hyperlinks”), ACTICO does neither adopt such an external Internet website nor its content. Further, ACTICO is not responsible for the availability of websites linked to from this website.
Information relating to the Antidiscrimination Legislation (AGG):
To enhance the readability of the website, there has been made no distinction between male and female. The corresponding terms used apply equally to both genders within the meaning of equal treatment.
Both the legal notice as well as the privacy policy are products of: