External Rating Models

Powerful scorecards and rating models to perform risk assessments across your C&I lending portfolio

Identifying and managing default risks in a credit portfolio requires sophisticated analytical tools and consistent frameworks for risk analysis. Internal risk rating systems are often costly to develop and maintain. Leveraging external credit assessment scorecards helps ensuring a consistent, standardized approach to credit analysis, improves the evaluation of credit risks, and supports the fulfillment of regulatory requirements.

ACTICO provides credit and risk management professionals access to a sophisticated and comprehensive set of pre-configured scorecards for credit risk assessment. The scorecards can be used standalone or in combination with an organization’s internal risk rating methodologies. This consistent framework for analysis offers shorter delivery times, lower costs, and improved risk assessment quality.


Deliver analysis through intuitive, easy-to-use, industry-specific credit analysis scorecard templates

Best practices

Incorporate leading industry knowledge and best practices based on a century of experience in evaluating credit risk


Flexible deployment options: Cloud-based, workflow-enabled platform or integrated with your existing internal or third-party software packages


Benefit from the experience and knowledge of industry-leaders – fully integrated with the ACTICO Credit Risk Platform

Scope Ratings is a credit rating agency registered in accordance with the EU rating regulation and operating in the European Union with ECAI status. Scope presents credit research and assessments from a distinctly European perspective. It also offers scorecards and tools for assessing and monitoring credit risk.

Leveraging the rating methodologies and tools available within Scope Ratings and the organisation’s extensive credit expertise, the Scope Credit Scorecards cover a variety of market segments, such as:

  • Corporations and SMEs
  • Project Finance
  • Banks
  • Sovereigns

Visit Scope

The Risk Management Association (RMA), a century-old, member-driven organization with a mission to advance sound risk management. The RMA set out to develop its own risk rating system in late 2019, an affordable commercial solution.

The RMA Dual Risk Rating offering enables banks to evaluate both the borrower (PD) and the loan (LGD) to achieve greater granularity in classifying and managing credit risk. The following Scorecards:

  • CRE – Income Producing
  • CRE – Construction
  • C&I – Commercial and Industrial
  • Small Business
  • High Net Worth Individuals
  • Public Debt Rated Companies
  • General
  • Facility

Visit RMA

Integration Scenarios

We have two flexible integration scenarios: Either use an out-of-the-box, comprehensive, web-based solution or invoke the Scorecards from existing workflows and systems.

Web-based risk assessment platform

The Scorecards are integrated with a flexible, secure, cloud-based web-application. The workflow enabled solution covers the end-to-end risk assessment process including data input of qualitative and quantitative risk factors, analyst adjustments and multi-stage, role-based approval processes.

API-based integration

All Scorecards are exposed via powerful standard APIs (Web Services). This approach is ideally suited for clients that want to embed the Scorecard logic within existing internal or third-party systems.

Credit Risk Platform

Discover the full suite of the Credit Risk Platform’s capabilities.

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