External Credit Risk Scorecards
Leverage sophisticated, external rating models and scorecards for credit risk assessment.
Leverage sophisticated, external rating models and scorecards for credit risk assessment.
Identifying and managing default risks in a credit portfolio requires sophisticated analytical tools and consistent frameworks for risk analysis. Internal risk rating systems are often costly to develop and maintain. Leveraging external credit assessment scorecards helps ensuring a consistent, standardized approach to credit analysis, improves the evaluation of credit risks, and supports the fulfillment of regulatory requirements.
ACTICO provides credit and risk management professionals access to a sophisticated and comprehensive set of pre-configured scorecards for credit risk assessment. The scorecards can be used standalone or in combination with an organization’s internal risk rating methodologies. This consistent framework for analysis offers shorter delivery times, lower costs, and improved risk assessment quality.
We have two flexible integration scenarios: Either use an out-of-the-box, comprehensive, web-based solution or invoke the Scorecards from existing workflows and systems.