
RMA Annual Risk Management Conference 2022

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How to progress financial institutions through pandemics, sanctions, inflation and more

October 23 – 25, 2022 | Washington D.C. (USA)

This year’s RMA Annual Risk Management Conference 2022 is themed under the above topic. ACTICO will contribute to the discussion with an interesting presentation about Advanced Risk Rating Systems.

During this session, Christopher Hansert from ACTICO and Bala Balachander from Deloitte will explore the ecosystem in financial institutions regarding the lifecycle of risk rating models, with emphasis on emerging practices on model realization and execution. A look will be taken at the main building blocks of advanced risk rating platforms, and how they have emerged as a central constituent of this ecosystem and play a key role in model realization and model execution.

Meet our expert in Washington:

Christopher Hansert, Product Manager Credit Risk Solutions at ACTICO

For questions about ACTICO and our solutions, please reach out to us via the contact form.

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